Pavel Durov, the billionaire founder and CEO of Telegram, was detained on Saturday evening at Bourget Airport near Paris, according to reports from French...
A crocodile killed a woman who was bathing in a river in eastern Indonesia, police and local residents reported on Wednesday.
Villagers later recovered...
The U.S. government has announced a 27-million-dollar humanitarian aid package for Nigeria to assist vulnerable populations and build resilience against food insecurity and climate...
Former Argentine President Alberto Fernández has been accused of domestic violence by his former partner, Fabiola Yañez, who served as First Lady during his...
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has raised alarm over the severe humanitarian impacts of ongoing global conflicts.
In a press release...
Former President Donald Trump recently caused a stir with a dramatic recounting of a helicopter emergency landing incident.
At a press conference on Thursday, Trump...