A tragic incident occurred in Gargajiga town, Minjibir Local Government Area, Kano State, on Thursday, when a well collapsed, resulting in one death and the rescue of two others.
READ ALSO: Decomposed body retrieved from well in Kano
According to the spokesperson for the Kano State Fire Service, Saminu Abdullahi, the incident happened during the re-digging and repair of the well.
Bashir Namadi, a local resident, alerted the Fire Service by making a distress call, prompting immediate action. Abdullahi explained, “Three people were involved: one inside the well and two outside. The sides of the well gave way, causing it to collapse and burying all three individuals.”
The Fire Service emergency rescue team arrived at the scene at approximately 12:20 p.m. and was able to rescue two individuals alive. Unfortunately, the third person, identified as Yusuf Nadabo, 50, was recovered unconscious and later confirmed dead.
The rescued individuals were taken to the ward head of Gargajiga town for further assistance.