HomeMetro10 killed in Plateau community during festival

10 killed in Plateau community during festival


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About 10 persons were reportedly killed in a fresh attack at Chando Zerreci village, Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau State, Saturday, during an annual festival held ahead of the onset of the rains.

This was confirmed by the National Publicity Secretary of Irigwe Youth Movement, IYM, Lawrence Zongo, in a statement, yesterday.

The statement read in part: “The national leadership of Irigwe Youth Movement, IYM, condemns the attack on the Irigwe people during the annual ritual festival, Zerreci, that will usher in the rainy/farming season.

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“The people were attacked by militants referred to by government authorities as ‘unknown gunmen’ on April 2, 2022, about 11 pm at the festival ground, Chando Zerreci.

“Ten persons were killed and 19 people survived bullet gunshots. They are undergoing medical treatment at Enos Hospital, Miango. Others are in Jos.

“Last month, over 10 persons were killed within Rigwe villages. Houses and food crops were destroyed by the militants. Nigeria authorities both at federal and state levels failed to protect the lives and property of the Rigwe people allowing them under the mercy of gunmen.

“Brutal attacks on Rigwe communities are becoming rampant and this is unacceptable. The government must take more concrete steps to protect lives and property across Rigwe chiefdom and neighbouring communities.”

Efforts to get the reaction of the state police command proved abortive as a message sent to the PPRO, ASP Gabriel Uba, was yet to be replied to at press time.

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