HomeLocal News2023: INEC prevent infiltration of adhoc staff portal by APC, PDP,...

2023: INEC prevent infiltration of adhoc staff portal by APC, PDP, LP, others – CN


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A Civil Society Organization, Concerned Nigerians, CN, Friday, called on the Independent National Electoral Commission, INEC, to prevent members of All Progressives Congress, (APC), Peoples Democratic Party, (PDP), Labour Party, (LP), and others from infiltrating adhoc staff portal soon to be launched in preparation ahead of 2023 general elections.

The call was contained in a statement signed by the Convener, CN, Comrade Deji Adeyanju, where it raised concerns over alleged moves by some political parties to apply for adhoc jobs in order to compromise the electoral process.

The statement reads in part, “Ahead of the 2023 general elections, The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has said it will soon launch a portal for the recruitment of ad-hoc staff.

“While this is a noble and laudable initiative by the commission, we are concerned that people with vested interests may infiltrate the system and compromise the electoral process.

“We are alarmed that the process has been compromised by some unscrupulous INEC officials and individuals with ulterior motives who mean no good for this nation.

“We have observed with great concern, how supporters of some candidates are mobilizing their members to massively apply for the adhoc job as a means to checkmate the process against manipulation.

“We condemn in its entirety, the lack of due diligence on the part of the Commission in knowing that opening up the portal to all is an invitation to partisan individuals to apply for the adhoc job.

“If partisan people are allowed to infiltrate the system, this may not only threaten our democracy but also undermine the integrity of the commission and our election process.

However, the group tasked INEC on doing the needful, “We hereby remind INEC officials that they have a constitutional responsibility to protect our fragile democracy by ensuring that the upcoming general elections are free, fair and credible.

“As a matter of urgency, the Commission should put measures in place to make sure that no political party or candidate takes advantage of any loophole in the Commission to recruit partisans and party loyalists into the Adhoc staff program.

“We also admonish those individuals who may have a hand in such illegal acts to desist from such before the long arm of the law catches up with them.

“Conclusively, we urge INEC to put measures in place that will prevent members of APC, PDP, LP, NNPP, AAC or other political parties and their supporters or sympathizers from becoming Adhoc staff for the 2023 general elections”.


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