HomeLocal News2023: Tambuwal assures Nigerians of good governance, national unity

2023: Tambuwal assures Nigerians of good governance, national unity


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Gov. Aminu Tambuwal, a Presidential aspirant on the platform of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), has assured Nigerians of good governance and national unity if elected as President come 2023.

Tambuwal gave the assurance when he met with Kogi PDP national delegates on Monday. in Lokoja to solicit their support in the party’s upcoming presidential primary election.

The governor of Sokoto State said the issue of insecurity and national unity would be on the front burner, saying his government would address the issues if given the opportunity to be president.

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Tambuwal, a former Speaker of House of Representatives, guaranteed the delegates of good governance and national unity, saying “we must not lose hope, we must all work together to revive this country; it is achievable.

“We, in PDP are determined to work together with the people to rebuild this country and make it a better place.’’

He noted that he had ensured good governance in Sokoto State, emphasising that nobody was being owed any salary or pension in the state till date.

He added that Sokoto State had witnessed massive infrastructural developments, assuring that he would replicate same at the national level.

“I understand any issue about party and politics, I have the vast experience, and if you are looking for a technocrat in politics, that is me. I am the youngest among all the front line PDP aspirants.

“What I can guarantee you is good governance. We must ensure that we do the right thing to support and harness the human and material resources in Kogi to make Kogi and Nigeria a better place,” he said.

In their separate comments, two former PDP governors in Kogi, Alhaji Ibrahim Idris and retired Capt. Idris Wada, both thanked the delegates for taking out time to welcome the PDP presidential hopeful.

They prayed God to grant Tambuwal his heart desire, saying Kogi remained his home and wished him all the best.

On his part, State PDP Chairman, Mr Samuel Ohotu, described Tanbuwal as the best House of Rep. Speaker that Nigeria has ever had!

He decried the high level of hunger and insecurity in the country and emphasised the need to prioritise stomach infrastructure.

He prayed God to guide the delegates to do the right thing.

In his vote of thanks, Sen. Tunde Ogbeha, the Director-General of Tambuwal Campaign Organisation, thanked the delegates and the people of Kogi for turning out enmasse to welcome Tambuwal.

“Kogi is not for sale that is why we must seek to give a ticket so someone that is capable of winning in the presidential general elections,” he said. (NAN)


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