HomeLocal News2023: Zulum tasks presidential aspirants on unity

2023: Zulum tasks presidential aspirants on unity


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Gov. Babagana Zulum of Borno has urged presidential aspirants for the 2023 election to always consider the unity and peace of Nigeria as the paramount in their aspirations.

Zulum made the call on Monday in Maiduguri when he received the presidential aspirant of People’s Democratic Party (PDP), Gov. Nyesome Wike of Rivers State who paid him a courtesy call.

Zulum said aspirants needed to work towards uniting Nigerians and deepening democracy in the country irrespective of party affiliation.

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He lauded Wike for his concern to the people of Borno during its trying moments, adding that the people of Borno were grateful to President Muhammadu Buhari administration for addressing the security situation in the zone.

Earlier, Wike said his visit to the governor was a prelude to addressing PDP members in the state on his presidential aspiration under the party.

Wike lauded Zulum for the development in Borno, particularly the cleanliness of Maiduguri city and urged him to sustain the tempo.

He also lauded the improvement in security situation in the state.

“I am happy with you, I commend your work, I have seen the cleanliness of the state,” Wike said.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Wike, who also spoke to newsmen on his mission in Maiduguri, said that  based on his consultations with delegates so far across Nigeria, he was confident of getting the party’s ticket.(NAN)


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