HomeLocal NewsHisbah Bans the use of mannequins in Kano

Hisbah Bans the use of mannequins in Kano


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In Kano State now, it is criminal to display clothes with the use of mannequins. Anyone caught using mannequins will be prosecuted.

Officials of the Kano State Hisbah board have banned the use of mannequins to display clothes by tailors, supermarkets, and boutique owners in the state.

Sheikh Aroun Ibn Sina, the Commander of the  Kano State Hisbah Board,  who announced the ban in the state, explaining that the use of mannequins by tailors, boutique owners, and related individuals or organizations contravened the provision of Islamic injunctions.

According to the commander, “Hisbah prohibits the use of mannequins at shops, commercial and private residences and other public places. This violates Islamic provisions, it is also responsible for immoral thoughts among some members of the public, and all these are against Islam.

It is imminent that the Hisbah commission in the state isn’t pleased with the kinds of mannequins being displayed at various shops and malls across the state, as they have attributed it to immoral thoughts by individuals in the state.

The commander also stressed that the new directive would be strictly monitored across the state, as actions would be taken against individuals or organizations who err.

”We have divided Kano into five areas for the monitoring and implementation of the ban across the state” the commander said.

Recall, that the Hisbah Board recently arrested over 40 youths in the State over immoral acts, and also sacked one of its top officials who was allegedly caught with a married woman in a hotel.

He also restated that the agency would embark on sensitization of the people to educate them on how Islam frowns on the use of the mannequins, while the agency will send its officials to apprehend and prosecute offenders.



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