HomeAgricultureLawmaker distributes fertilizer to farmers in Jigawa

Lawmaker distributes fertilizer to farmers in Jigawa


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In his effort to cushion the effect of the Covid 19 pandemic the Lawmaker representing Malam Madori/Kaugama federal constituency Dr. Makki Abubakar Elleman has distributed 1,800 bags of fertilizer to his constituents.

The lawmaker who disclosed this while addressing newsmen in his constituent office in Malam Madori reiterated his commitment to support local farmers across the state.

According to him, farmers who are known for their hard work needed his support now more than ever especially after being negatively affected by the coronavirus pandemic and a perennial flood that destroyed many farmlands last year.

He said “our local farmers who usually feed the nation have suffered a lot in recent time. The Covid 19 pandemic coupled with the flood has caused many farmers to record losses in the previous harvest. This is why we need to support them.”

“As a federal lawmaker, I’m just following suit of what our state Governor is doing in terms of supporting local farmers. You know in the whole of this country no governor is supporting farmers in their business like ours. This is why we are emulating from our mentor.” Hon. Makki added.

Mr. Makki finally charged the beneficiaries to use the fertilizer judiciously and restrain from reselling it in markets.


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