HomeReligionMuslim Youth Assembly confers Peace Ambassador Award on Rev. Pam

Muslim Youth Assembly confers Peace Ambassador Award on Rev. Pam


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The All Muslim Youth Assembly of Nigeria (AMYWM) has conferred Peace Ambassador Award to the Executive Secretary of the Nigerian Christian Pilgrim Commission (NCPC), Rev. Yakubu Pam.

The association has also appointed Pam their patron.

This is contained in a statement by Mr Godiya Matthew,
Information Officer 1, Media and Public Relations, NCPC, on Friday in Abuja.

The award was presented to Pam by the National President of AMYAN, Al-Hassan Murtadho, in Abuja.
In an address, Mr Mahmud Abubakar, National Secretary of the association, said that Pam was recognised for tireless efforts in promoting peace, unity and togetherness in troubled states of Nigeria.

Abubakar added that the executive secretary had been a strong advocate of religious tolerance.
“These works cannot go unnoticed,” he said.

Abubakar frowned at the involvement of youths in violence, and urged governments and corporate organisations to do more to meaningfully engage the youth to divert their attention from crime.

“These youths lack mentorship, as they instigate violence without cogent reasons.

“It is. therefore, important to empower them to earn a living. They will not be easily enticed when they are busy,” he said.

The secretary said that the association was planning to convene a national peace summit where religious and traditional leaders would discuss tolerance and mutual coexistence.

He said that the summit would be part of the group’s advocacy aimed at promoting peaceful coexistence.

Responding, Pam expressed appreciation to the association for finding him worthy of the award.

He praised them for advocating for peace and unity.

“The country is going through trying times, it is right to come up with strategies that will preserve peace.

“I am elated to see that the youth are the ones advocating for peace in the country, this shows that there is hope for our country, Nigeria,” Pam said.

He advised the youth to uphold morality, promote peaceful co-existence and be their brothers’ keepers.

“You have done well, keep it up; we will overcome this trial by the grace of God,” Pam said,



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