HomeCrimeTerrorists kill two in Katsina

Terrorists kill two in Katsina


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Two residents were killed on Wednesday when terrorists attacked Gidan Baushe, Gatakawa village, Kankara Local Government Area of Katsina State.

The police were, however, able to rescue 18 residents initially kidnapped by the terrorists.

The Spokesman for the Katsina State Police Command, SP Gambo Isah, confirmed the incident on Thursday.

It was learnt that the terrorists had, shortly after midnight, stormed the village on motorcycles where they carried out their nefarious acts.

The Command’s spokesman explained that the police, who were alerted, stormed the village, confronted and repelled the terrorists.

He revealed that the two victims were killed before the arrival of the police, adding that another resident was injured.

Isah added, “On October 12, 2022 at about 1am, a distress call was received that terrorists in their numbers, on motorcycles, shooting sporadically with AK 47 rifles, attacked BAUSHE, GATAKAWA village, Kankara Local Government Area.

“On receipt of the report, the Divisional Police Officer, Kankara Division, led tactical units to the area and engaged the hoodlums into a fierce gun duel.

“The team successfully repelled the terrorists from their heinous mission and rescued all the kidnapped victims.

“In the course of scanning the scene, five motorcycles and two cows were recovered. Sadly, two villagers were killed and one was injured by the terrorists.

“It is feared that many terrorists were neutralised and/or escaped the scene with gun shots wounds. Investigation is ongoing.”


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