HomeCover StoriesCourt restrains Kano govt, Police, DSS, others from arresting Ganduje, associates

Court restrains Kano govt, Police, DSS, others from arresting Ganduje, associates


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A Federal High Court sitting in Kano has restrained Kano State government, its agents, Police, Department of State Services, among others, from arresting the immediate past governor of the state, Abdullahi Ganduje, his family members and associates.

Daily News 24 reports that the court presided over by Justice A. M. Liman in an exparte order grants the respondents’ prayers while ruling on application by Ganduje for the enforcement of his fundamental rights to fair hearing, private and family life and to acquire and own property.

The applicant, which listed the Nigeria Police, Inspector-General of Police, Department of State Service, Kano State government, Kano State anti-corruption and public complaint commission, among others, as respondents, in a Motion Exparte filed on 7th July, 2023, urged the court to restrain the respondents from arresting or harassing or him or any of his associates.

The order stated: “The respondents whether themselves, or acting through their officers, men, operatives, agents, privies or any person or group of persons howsoever described from harrassing, intimidating, inviting, threatening to arrest, arresting, detaining the applicant or his children or any member of his family, or any appointee who served under the administration of the applicant or forcefully taking over of the applicant’s properties or his children or any member of his family, or any appointee who served under the administration of the applicant pending determination of the applicant’s substantive originating motion on the matter.

“That the interim order shall operate pending the hearing of the motion for enforcement of Fundamental Right which is fixed for the 14*” of July, 2023.

“The the Respondents shall be served with the Motion 36 hours from today”, the order stated.

Recall that the Kano Public Complaints and Anti-Corruption Commission, PCACC, has extended an invitation to former governor of the state, Abdullahi Ganduje, over the controversial viral dollar video to appear before it within seven days.

This came as the state government also withdrew from court the suit which Ganduje took to court, while still in office, to challenge his investigation over the allegation.

Chairman of the commission, Barrister Muhuyi Magaji Rimingado explained that an invitation letter was extended to the former governor to provide answers to questions on the alleged corruption allegations against him.

He said the commission had jurisdiction to investigate corruption cases on people across all walks of life.

“We have a forensic arrangement with experts to analyse the video and would do everything possible to investigate the matter and any other issue regarding corruption in Kano.

“Following up on our pledge to follow due process as usual in the investigation of the alleged bribery videos (also known as dollar videos) involving the former governor of Kano state, Dr. Abdullahi Umar Ganduje.

“The commission is expecting the former governor to appear before it next week to have the opportunity to clear his name in the ongoing investigation.

“I have signed a letter to invite him for questioning at the commission next week because this is what the law says and we will provide ample opportunity for him to defend himself.” Muhuyi noted.


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