HomeLocal NewsKano state commissioner of information urges collaboration between censorship board, film industry

Kano state commissioner of information urges collaboration between censorship board, film industry


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The Kano State Commissioner of Information, Baba Halilu Dantiye, has called for a harmonious working relationship between the Kano Censorship Board and the Film Industry to foster positive social transformation within the state.

During a visit from the new Executive Secretary of the Kano State Censorship Board, Abba El-Mustapha Inuwa, Dantiye stressed that the Censorship Board should be regarded not as an adversary to filmmakers but as a regulatory body working to maintain a conducive environment for the film industry and other stakeholders.

Recognizing the importance of a skilled workforce, Dantiye assured that the state government would prioritize training opportunities for workers to enhance their capabilities and service delivery.

In addition, the Ministry of Information pledged to extend full support to the board in acquiring modern and globally-compliant equipment.

The Executive Secretary, Abba El-Mustapha Inuwa, explained that the board had recently revoked licenses of film actors, directors, producers, and other stakeholders in the film industry to verify genuine practitioners.

He emphasized the necessity for all legitimate members of the film industry to obtain permission from the board before shooting movies within the state.

Furthermore, in a bid to regulate the influx of foreign movies translated into Hausa and broadcasted on local television stations, the board suspended the airing of such content pending a thorough screening and review of existing laws.

To upgrade its services to meet international standards, the board expressed the need for operational vehicles and modern equipment, soliciting the support of the Ministry of Information in achieving their objectives.


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