HomeCover StoriesNAFDAC seals unregistered water, agro chemical factories in Nasarawa

NAFDAC seals unregistered water, agro chemical factories in Nasarawa


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The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) says it has sealed two unregistered factories in Lafia and Obi Local Government Areas of Nasarawa state.

Mr Matthew Adeoye, NAFDAC Coordinator in the state, disclosed this in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Tuesday in Lafia.

According to him, the sealed facilities  are an agrochemical factory in Lafia and a table water producing factory in Obi.

He said that regulatory officers of the Agency had on May 9, raided the factories and discovered that their products were falsified and substandard.

Adeoye said, “The companies specialised in the manufacturing of falsified and adulterated agrochemicals, and an unapproved packaged water.

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“The activities of these illegal manufacturers of falsified, adulterated agrochemicals has serious negative effect on farm produce.

“Both companies were found operating without any approval, which is a violation of NAFDAC Act CAP. F.33 LFN 2004.

“Adulterated products from manufacturers like this when used, do not produce the desired result and causes economic losses, loss of livestock and resultant effects on humans.

“The packaged water facility was also operating in an unhygienic environment without adhering to the water treatment procedures outlined by NAFDAC.”

The state coordinator said that the Agency confiscated equipments from the factories, adding that the facilities would remain sealed until further notice.

He called on manufacturing companies to ensure that they register with relevant regulatory agencies to avoid sanction.



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