HomeLocal NewsAbuja-Kaduna Train tragedy: Whereabouts of 141 passengers unknown, Nine days after attack

Abuja-Kaduna Train tragedy: Whereabouts of 141 passengers unknown, Nine days after attack


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The condition, safety and whereabouts of 141 passengers aboard the AK-9 train bombed by terrorists on its way to Kaduna last week are yet to be ascertained by authorities of the Nigerian Railway Corporation, NRC.

This is even as the corporation, Tuesday, said another coach (SP00020) damaged as a result of the attack, has been successfully re-railed and moved safely to the Rigasa station, Kaduna, bringing the total of re-railed coaches to eight.

In a daily update signed by NRC Managing Director, Fidet Okhiria, yesterday, the corporation confirmed the safety of additional five persons, bringing the total number of persons confirmed safe to 191.

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“191 persons on the manifest are now confirmed safe and at their various homes (additional five persons confirmed safe today. 46 phone numbers on the manifest are still either switched off or not reachable since Tuesday morning. 33 phone numbers on the manifest are ringing but still no response from the other end.

62 phone numbers on the manifest when called, respond non-existent. 22 persons are reported missing by their relatives and eight persons are confirmed dead,” Okhiria stated in the release.

Of the 20 crew members made onboard the ill-fated train, made up of NRC staff, janitors and caterers, Okhiria said 12 have been confirmed well, seven declared missing and one reported dead.

The corporation, he added, remains committed to the safety of her passengers and staff on board the ill-fated Ak9 train service and will continue to “collaborate with security agencies to ensure all persons being held are rescued unhurt and reunited with their families.”




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