HomeEducationASUU joins NLC, TUC strike, shuts down Universities nationwide

ASUU joins NLC, TUC strike, shuts down Universities nationwide


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The Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) has joined the ongoing indefinite strike declared by the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and Trade Union Congress (TUC), shutting down universities across the country.

The strike, which began on Monday, is a response to the federal government’s failure to meet the unions’ minimum wage demand and reverse the recent hike in electricity tariff.

Read Also: Strike: WAEC appeals to NLC, TUC to consider candidates

In a statement, ASUU President, Emmanuel Osodeke directed lecturers to join the strike, mobilizing all members to participate in the industrial action.

The union’s decision to join the strike comes after the federal government’s inability to conclude the renegotiation of minimum wage for Nigerian workers.

The strike is expected to paralyze academic activities in universities nationwide, adding to the pressure on the government to meet the unions’ demands.

The move by ASUU and other labour unions is seen as a united front against the government’s perceived anti-labour policies.


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