Francis Umeorizu Izuchukwu, widely known as Fizblitz, is a trailblazing influencer, model, entrepreneur, and media personality who is leveraging his exceptional influencing skills to...
The Edo State Police Command has announced the arrest of the suspected murderer of Glory Adekolure, a recent University of Benin (UNIBEN) graduate.
Adekolure, a...
Hajiya Halima Adamu, the mother of the renowned Hausa singer Dauda Adamu, popularly known as Rarara, has been abducted.
Halima was taken from her residence...
In a devastating incident on Wednesday night, the Hwrra community in the Kwall district of Irigwe Chiefdom, Bassa local government area, Plateau State, witnessed...
In a bid to revolutionize the agricultural sector and empower youths, the Agricultural Transformation Agenda Support Programme Phase One (ATASP-1) and ABOMAX have organized...