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NG domain name is Nigeria’s pride online – NiRA

The Nigeria Internet Registration Association  (NiRA) on Thursday described Nigeria’s country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD), .ng domain, as the nation’s critical resource in the...

UK supports Nigeria’s fight against malaria with £1bn

The United Kingdom has contributed about one billion pounds to the global fund against malaria and other diseases in Nigeria for the period of 2024...

NYSC: Court dismisses suit seeking to remove Hannatu Musawa as minister

A Federal High Court, Abuja, has dismissed a suit seeking to reverse the appointment of Hannatu Musawa as Minister of Art, Culture and Creative...

Alleged $6.2m fraud: Court adjourns Emefiele’s trial to June 24

A Federal Capital Territory (FCT) high court on Thursday, adjourned until June 24 for continuation of hearing the trial of suspended Governor of the...

FG suspends Dana Air operations over Lagos runway skid

The Minister of Aviation, Festus Keyamo has suspended Dana Airline operations till further notice after its aircraft skidded of the runway at Murtala Muhammad...

1.94m students sit for 2024 UTME – JAMB Registrar

The Registrar, Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB), Prof Ishaq Oloyede, says no fewer than 1.94 million candidates are projected to sit for the...

BDCs committed to checkmating attack on the Naira – ABCON boss

The President, Association of Bureau De Change operators of Nigeria (ABCON), Aminu Gwadabe, says the BDC operators are committed to wadding off attack on...


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