HomeSecurityCP embarks on confidence-building, assessment tour of Kaduna-Abuja highway

CP embarks on confidence-building, assessment tour of Kaduna-Abuja highway


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The Commissioner of Police (CP), Kaduna State Command, Mr Yekini Ayoku, has embarked on an official confidence-building and assessment tour of Kaduna-Abuja highway.


The command’s Public Relations Officer, ASP Mohammed Jalige, made the disclosure in a statement issued made available to NAN, on Monday in Kaduna.


Jalige said that the police commissioner was accompanied on the tour by top police officers from the command.


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He said that during the visit, Ayoku interacted with security personnel at various points on the ever-busy highway.


Jalige quoted the police commissioner as commending the operatives for their service to the country, assuring them that the command and the Nigerian Police Force would always look into their welfare.


He assured all road users that the Kaduna-Abuja highway was safe for traveling.


Ayoku, however, advised the general public and commuters on the highway to always be prompt in reporting unusual incidents or suspected persons for immediate action. (NAN)


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