HomeEnvironmentCSO calls, engage youths in environmental sanitation to avoid flood in Jigawa

CSO calls, engage youths in environmental sanitation to avoid flood in Jigawa


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A non governmental organization, eyes on environment initiatives called for collective community development in Gumel in Jigawa state.

The founder of the organization
Abdulmajid Abubakar said that they came across a post on Facebook that the Balai community in Gumel Jigawa is in dire need of help as drainage water enters houses in the community.

This is a sequel to continuous heavy rainfall in the state.

Abdulmajid said that it is time to engage in community development, give back to the society and not wait on the government for everything.

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He explained that his team and some youths from Balai gathered to clear up 85meters drainages.

Abubakar Abdulmajid the founder of Eyes on Environment explained the challenges they encountered.

“Some believed we were given contracts by the government so they won’t be part until stipends are given to them”.

“We are not given contracts or any money by the government, youths should not believe everything has to do with money to clean up their environment”.

“We are just doing this to help communities, we call on others community to replicate this act of community based initiatives” he added

“The government, when building culverts, should make it deep and wide so that water won’t enter people’s houses when filled ,” he added.

At the climax of the event the Mai unguwa and some interviewed residents express their happiness with the assurance that they will participate in it.

Abdulmajid lastly advocated for a clean environment as communities and the government spends a lot on diseases especially malaria.


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