HomeLocal NewsFake News: Media urged to embrace data-driven journalism

Fake News: Media urged to embrace data-driven journalism


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Media Practitioners and Journalists have been charged to be data-driven in their reportage in order to avoid catastrophic progression of fake news and hate speech which has characterized the post-truth politics that threaten societal peace and good governance.

This among other resolutions were recommended at a one-day event with the theme: Challenges in Justice Administration and the need for good Governance”, organized by the Network For Good Governance and Justice(NGJ), held in Kaduna.

The Non-governmental organization whose desire is to have a society rested on Justice and Good Governance for the betterment of communities, had observed that in modern governance anchored on democracy, rule of law, Information Technology, the media in all its forms remain crucial.

Hence, the focus on media and its activities for a better Society should never be ignored.

Also, they observed that, delivery of justice in Nigeria is slow, technical and Inconsistent, among other challenges bedeviling the Justice sector and related issues of good governance.

They further maintained that the dispositions of lawyers, judges and court registry makes fair, swift and predictable delivery of Justice difficult.

Chairman Board of Trustee, Prof. Sadiq Isah Radda, said that, the delivery in Nigeria should rely on facts and not technicalities; also, the system should be fair, objective and consistent.

“The dispositions of lawyers, judges and court registry must be fair, swift and predictable, it’s the delivery of justice in Nigeria if the Judiciary is to be respected and recognized.” He said.

He added that “Recruitment, promotion and posting should be based on merit, not selfishness, parochialism, and unethical and corrupt tendencies.”

“It is clear that Nigeria needs good governance at all levels of human existence. Hence, the three arms of government as well as their three tiers of government must improve the governance framework to alleviate the sufferings of Nigerians.”

“If good governance is to take root in Nigeria, the citizens must be law- abiding, orderly and disciplined. Citizens must take personal responsibility by following rules, regulations, processes and procedures.”

“Media Practitioners should consider themselves, beyond the traditional purveyors of information as critical stakeholders in the Nigeria project by empowering the citizens with vital and credible accounts of events as they affect them in the society”. He said.

Prof. Isah Radda advised media practitioners to adopt ethical theory that requires media practitioners to place a high premium for the interests of the society and make journalism for good governance as their operational philosophy.”

NGJ commends the efforts of the Anti-corruption Agencies, the Ministry of Justice, security agencies, CSOs, AND International development partners, for their efforts in reforming the Judiciary.

“To achieve more Progress in Nigeria, Judiciary must be reorganized for the benefit of the future generations” NGJ said.


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