HomeLocal NewsFEC wishes Vice-President Osinbajo quick recovery - Boss Mustapha

FEC wishes Vice-President Osinbajo quick recovery – Boss Mustapha


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The Federal Executive Council (FEC), has wished the Vice-President, Prof. Yemi Osinbajo quick recovery, after a successful operation on account of a fracture of his right femur (thigh bone).

FEC conveyed its goodwill message in a statement by the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (SGF), Mr Boss Mustapha, on Sunday in Abuja.

Mustapha said the surgical operation, possibly related to a long standing injury associated with the game of squash, was performed by a team of specialist doctors in Lagos.

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He added that the operation had been reported to be successful.

“As Prof. Osinbajo recuperates from the surgical operation, FEC wishes him quick recovery so as to continue to give the needed support for the overall growth and stability of the country, ” Mustapha said.



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