HomeLocal NewsInsecurity: Ekiti Council boss warns residents against night journeys

Insecurity: Ekiti Council boss warns residents against night journeys


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The Chairman of Oye Local Government Area in Ekiti, Mr Sunday Ajimoko, has warned residents against late night journeys to avoid being kidnapped by gunmen.

Ajimoko, who gave the warning in an interview with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Oye-Ekiti, urged residents who were fond of embarking on late night journeys to desist because most kidnappers attacked during the night.

“I want to urge residents who are fond of embarking on late night journey to desist from such habit.

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“The roads are no longer safe for anybody to be on the road beyond 9 p.m. because some of these gunmen perpetrate their evil acts at night.

“The security agencies are already working tirelessly to curb kidnapping in our communities, but we must also be security conscious,” he said.

Ajimoko advised residents to always give proper details about their journey to their family members to enable them to know their movement.

The chairman also urged landlords to ensure the identity of their tenants to avoid habouring criminals and for safety of their lives and properties. (NAN)


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