HomeEducationKano collaborates with ESIDI to revive educational sector

Kano collaborates with ESIDI to revive educational sector


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Education Strategic Investment and Development Initiative (ESIDI) in collaboration with Kano state Ministry of Education has organized a public presentation of project development in Kano.

ESIDI is a 5 years project conceived by Cynox IT to facilitate the educational value in the state.

Executive director of ESIDI, Abdulrahman Abubakar Yau, explained the world beyond material resources.

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He said; “the world itself is graduating into a society driven by knowledge instead of Material resources, we want to create a consciousness that focus more on what can be created instead of what is given to us by virtue.”

The core objectives of ESIDI

Abdulrahman Abubakar outlined the five key objectives of ESIDI as enhancement, enrollment, retention, transition and completion rates at basic and secondary cadre.

Focusing on the teacher’s competence and learner’s achievement.

Abdulrahman explained that “It can be done through regular evaluation and monitoring development exercises. As well as through a program called Huda Huda leverage”

Enhance quality education through curriculum upgrades.

“We tend to achieve this through establishment of green super labs, technical partnership with advanced education system in Europe and far East as well as creating ICT and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Model of Education”. He said

Good quality prospect for graduate.

“Through entrepreneurship and training schemes for students at all levels to think beyond the box.” He added.

Robust monitoring and evaluation of both administrative and academic structures of the educational system.

Why ESIDI choose Kano

Abdulrahman Abubakar gives reasons why ESIDI chose Kano state.

Population and Location.

“We have the population of 15 to 16million people living in kano which majority are youth, imagining changing the thinking of 5million people and adding values to their lives”

“We choose Kano because of the poor education our children gets compared to other southern states, it’s time to revive our public schools.

“Despite the free education the state gives, there are still areas that need to be adjusted, we need to support the educational sector whether as private entities to produce better societies, produce students to see beyond what government can offer to what they can create after graduating Universities.”

Abdulrahman finally stated ways in which ESIDI can raise funds for the project. He said “We are certain that even when the stategovernment doesn’t give us the 30% we are asking for, we can raise the funds through local and foreign entities and donors like the Dangote group and European Union among many which we are already in the process.

The Commissioner for Education, Muhammad Sunusi explained the commitments Kano is making to ensure the success of the project.

“This project is jointly coordinated between Kano state ministry of education and Esidi which is all about the development of education in the state, to ensure enrollment, retention and completing of Schools at all levels.

“For the benefit of our younger ones, I didn’t not expect the program to be important at first, it was later I realized its importance to people and the state will benefit from the objectives of the program.

“Already the ministry of Education has signed a memorandum of understanding for partnership with ESIDI and I assure you that the educational system in Kano state will receive a new elevation in the nearest future.

“As a state we are responsible and can give the amount of money they are asking for, the state is to give 30% of 500 million dollars, which I will proudly say we can give”. He added.

Kabiru Ado LaKwaya, the commissioner of youths lauds ESIDI and the state government for their efforts on making the educational system more sustainable in the state.



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