HomeLocal NewsKano govt. targets 3m children for malaria prevention

Kano govt. targets 3m children for malaria prevention


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The Kano State Government says it’s targeting over three million children for malaria chemoprevention, from July to October 2021.

The Commissioner for Health, Dr. Aminu Tsanyawa, disclosed this on Sunday in Kano, while addressing newsmen in commemoration of World Malaria Day.

He said that the targeted number of children would be about 75 per cent coverage for the prevention of non-complicated malaria.

Tsanyawa said the state had administered more than three million doses of the malaria chemoprevention drugs (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and Amosiaquine), with a view to preventing deaths due to malaria.

He said that as part of the commitment to the seasonal malaria chemoprevention, government had built the capacity of about 23, 629 community Drug Distributors, 2,710 Town announcers, and Lead mothers in the state.

The commissioner also noted that in 2020, outpatient attendance relating to malaria in Kano were 3,712, 354 with 2,349, 596 fever cases screened for malaria.

He added that out of the number, 1, 685,925 were diagnosed for uncomplicated malaria,  1,664,991 were treated with ACT, while 1,079 died from the disease.

For the first quarter of 2021, Tsanyawa said, 355,426 individuals were diagnosed with uncomplicated malaria, 352, 363 were treated with ACT while 155 deaths recorded.

He restated the commitment of the  Gov. Abdullahi  Ganduje -led administration towards prioritising the health sector, thus providing adequate funds for malaria elimination activities in the state.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that World Malaria Day is celebrated globally on April 25, every year, to create awareness on malaria and discuss ways of preventing the scourge.

The theme for the 2021 commemoration is “Zero Malaria- Draw the Line Against Malaria,” with the slogan “Stand up and take action,” aimed at exploring and connecting the malaria scourge for elimination. (NAN).


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