HomeCover StoriesKano Hisbah nabs 20 men, women for 'bathing together' in swimming pool

Kano Hisbah nabs 20 men, women for ‘bathing together’ in swimming pool


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The Kano State Hisbah Board says it has arrested a total of 20 persons comprising 17 men and three women for allegedly bathing together in a swimming pool at Western Bypass in the city.

Daily News 24 reports that the arrests were made on Friday following a tip-off by residents of the area, who complained about the behaviour of the youths.

In confirming the incident, Sheikh Mujahid Aminuddeen, the Deputy Commander-General of the board, said swimming together by males and females in strictly prohibited and contravenes the Sharia law in the state.

“While people are seeking the forgiveness of Allah, some youths about 17 men and three women were caught in a swimming pool bathing together.

“Parents really need to monitor the movement of their children especially on Fridays. It is sad that instead of parents to monitor their children, it is outsiders that are doing if for them,” he said.

Sheikh Aminuddeen reminded parents that Allah would ask them about their children on the day of judgement.

Also read: Hisbah nabs 16 over ‘immoral haircuts’ in Kano

“For a grown up Muslim girl to be seen in public wearing bikinis and swimming together with grown up men is unacceptable,” he added.

However, some of those arrested denied bathing together in the pool, claiming that they visited the joint to eat since there was also a restaurant there.

One of them who identified herself as Fatima Ya’u said she was not at the food joint to bath but to watch people.

“I was not seen bathing, but the Hisbah operative found a cigarette in pocket which is the only thing I smoke,” she said.


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