HomeLocal NewsKano launches 2022 tree planting initiative in schools, cemeteries, communities

Kano launches 2022 tree planting initiative in schools, cemeteries, communities


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The Kano State Government says it’s tree planting programme in schools, cemeteries and vulnerable communities is intended to mitigate the harsh effects of climate change in the state.

The Commissioner for Environment, Dr Kabiru Getso, said this on Tuesday, when he launched the first phase of tree planting campaign for 2022 in Kawaji and Dakata villages.

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Getso said that the essence of the exercise was to mitigate the negative effects of environmental hazards such as climate change, global warming, desertification and enchorachment.

He said: “The essence of the tree planting is to improve the vegatative cover and address some of the environmental challenges in the state.

“The trees would be planted in schools, mosques, cemeteries, streets and neighbourhoods to achieve the desired objective.”

The commissioner charged the residents to plant a tree each “in order to control desertification, bring down the climate temperature, control flooding and provide food and medicine”.

In an address of welcome, the Village Head of Kawaji Ward, Alhaji Umaru Adamu, appealed to the residents of the area to nurture the trees planted by the government for their own benefits.

Also, the Village Head of Dakata, Alhaji Salisu Ibrahim, commended the State Government for launching the campaign in their area.

The two community heads pledged to nurture the trees that would be planted and ensure the sustenance of the culture.

They gave assurance that they would motivate the natives to plant more trees in their respective neighbourhoods.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Kawaji and Dakata villages are mostly affected by environmental challenges in the state. (NAN)


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