HomeLocal NewsKAROTA boss honours personnel for outstanding performance

KAROTA boss honours personnel for outstanding performance


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The Managing Director, Kano Road and Traffic Agency (KAROTA), Baffa Babba Dan’Agundi has honoured a personnel of the agency for outstanding performance.

The personnel, Hassan Yakubu Baba is known by residents and motorists plying Sokoto Road in Nassarawa local government where he controls traffic.

The honour was in appreciation to his diligence and dedication to duty as well as being a good ambassador of the agency.

KAROTA boss presented the personnel some cash and a recommendation letter to encourage him to continue the good work for the law abiding citizens of Kano state.

Daily News24 learnt that the commendation followed stream of applausive comments about the personnel from motorists and individuals who have come into contact with him.

While encouraging Baba to keep up the good work, Dan’Agundi urged other staff of the agency to emulate him.


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