HomeLocal NewsMakinde to name new Olubadan on Monday

Makinde to name new Olubadan on Monday


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Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, says he will on Monday, officially announce the new Olubadan of Ibadanland.

Makinde made this known on Saturday, at the grand finale of the burial ceremony of late Oba Saliu Adetunji, the Olubadan of Ibadanland, held at the Obafemi Awolowo Stadium, Ibadan.

He said all issues hindering the announcement and installation of the new Olubadan had been resolved.

“This is another victory for Ibadan traditional institution, the process and the system was never broken, so we have reverted to the age long system.

The governor said he had received a letter from Olubadan in Council in respect of the announcement of the new Olubadan.

According to him, Ibadanland has a unique procedural steps as regards enthronement of new Oba and this has been in existence for ages.

Makinde thanked all Ibadan indigenes and well-wishers that came to witnessed the final burial ceremony.

He prayed that Ibadanland would continue to witness more developments.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that the late Oba Adetunji, who was the 41st Olubadan of Ibadanland, died on Jan. 2, at the age of 93.

In a tributes to the late Olubadan, President Muhammadu Buhari described Oba Adetunji as a visionary and compassionate leader who used the spheres of his influence to advance the progress of his people.

“We trust that the process of selecting his successor will be guided by wisdom, understanding and good judgment that exemplified the life he lived,” the president said.(NAN)


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