HomeEducationNGO tasks FG on incessant ASUU strike

NGO tasks FG on incessant ASUU strike


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A Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO), Nigeria Development Front (NDF) has urged the Federal Government to put in place mechanism to end Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU) incessant strikes in the country.

Mr Charles Adeyemi, the NGO’s President, said this when he spoke with the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Osogbo.

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Adeyemi said that what ASUU was fighting for was adequate funding for the education sector and a better welfare for university lecturers.

According to him, inadequate funding of universities impedes the development of the education sector, hence the need for government to address huge corruption in agencies in the sector.

He said government at all levels must design a concept that should find lasting solution to the funding of the education sector.

“The senate of each tertiary institution should be given the role of recruitment and remuneration of lecturers and staff, while government monitors the processes.

“Also, lecturers and staff should negotiate their pay with school managements and this will put a stop to all the current challenges confronting the education sector,’’ Adeyemi said.

He appealed to government to work towards ending the ongoing ASUU strike to allow students return back to their classes.

“I think something tangible needs to be done between the government and ASUU to ensure that students are back to their classes.

“Government intervention in education cannot be overruled but there is the need to further ensure that the present situation is salvaged and things are back to normal,’’ he said.(NAN)


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