HomeAviationNigerian smears poo on London-Lagos flight, scaring passengers, causing delay

Nigerian smears poo on London-Lagos flight, scaring passengers, causing delay


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According to passengers on board, a flight from London to Lagos was delayed on Friday because a “Nigerian deportee smeared feces” on the plane.

In a Friday tweet, @ImaniDH_ said her cousin was on the plane and that the incident frightened passengers.

“My cousin was flying back to Nigeria today but his flight was delayed because someone got deported and decided to poo and smear his poo all over the plane,” reads the tweet.

Quoting the tweet, Zlatan Ibile, a Nigerian singer-rapper, confirmed that he was also on the same flight.

“I was on this flight,” he tweeted.


Another Twitter user, @Y_Etuh1, also quoted the tweet, noting that the deportee stormed out of the toilet “butt-naked”.

“Fact Check: This is very true, he even came out of the toilet butt naked,” he tweeted.

In a message circulating on WhatsApp, the deportee was said to be a Nigerian who came in from Turkey without proper identification, hence the deportation by the UK authorities.

“He was boarded. He then stripped to the waist, started stooling in the galley where food was, rolled in it and started throwing the faeces all over the back of the plane,” the message reads.

“He had to be arrested and taken off the plane. So they had to change aircraft.”

The message also said the incident took place on the British Airways BA O75 flight, which was initially expected to take off by 11:20am but was delayed till 4:34pm.

While TheCable can confirm that the flight was indeed delayed, it cannot independently verify if the said incident was the cause.

An email sent to the British Airways press office as well as a direct message sent to the official Twitter page of the airline has not been responded to.



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