HomeBusinessTop 3 businesses in Nigeria you can start with N100,000 in 2023

Top 3 businesses in Nigeria you can start with N100,000 in 2023


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The world is gradually giving more attention to business endeavors as improved technology and the global COVID-19 pandemic have led to the loss of more and more jobs.

In Nigeria, the unemployment rate stands at 53 million people in a population of slightly above 200 million. According to the World Bank in its statistics this year, over half of the unemployed Nigerians are youth who are active and within the labour age.

However, they are left with no job while some who have the job are categorised as underemployed. This means that someone who is a graduate is doing a job meant for an unskilled worker, just to eke out a living.

This is why the federal government and even the state governments are harping more on skills acquisition as well as youths engaging in an enterprise. In this piece, you will explore some businesses you can start with a N100,000 capital.

This makes you an entrepreneur who with zeal and passion, can grow a business empire like Aliko Dangote of the Dangote Group and Abdul Samad Rabiu of the BUA Group, rather than file in hand searching for white-collar jobs in futility.

Printing business

You can start a printing business from scratch with N100,000. All you need to do is learn the basic computer design and marketing skills and you could begin to earn in no distant time.

There are various kinds of printing works, from design and printing of posters, books, calendars to the engraving of images on shirts and other gift items.


You can start a shoe-making business and use your social media marketing skills to turn it into a bigger business. You can simply raised N30,000 and got some sample designs.

Hairdressing, accessories shop

Hairdressing is a business you can do with little money, but that is if you already know how to make hair. However, with a little research, a male or female can decide to run a hair accessory retailing store.


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