HomeLocal News10 dead, 5 injured in Kogi accident

10 dead, 5 injured in Kogi accident


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No fewer than 10 passengers died on Thursday in a road accident involving two commutter buses on Ajegwu bridge, Lokoja.

Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Kogi Sector Commander Solomon Agure confirmed the accident on Thursday in Lokoja.

He said the passengers in the two buses were 73 persons, noting that five other passengers were injured and had been taken to a hospital.

Agune said that the accident occurred between 3.a.m and 3.30 a.m on Thursday and the 10 passengers died on the spot.

He attributed the cause of the accident to speeding and “possible” lost of control by one of the buses moving in the same direction.

He, nonetheless, said that the corps had begun full investigation into the cause of the accident.

Although he said that the number plate of one of the buses could not be seen at the spot of the accident, the second luxury bus is marked Anambra XE536AWK.

According to him, the bodies of the dead had been deposited at a mortuary in Ochenu, near Anyigba.

Agune said that the accident had caused gridlock but men and officers of the corps and other security agencies had cleared the road for normal traffic flow.

He cautioned motorists against speeding and overloading so as not to involve in accident that could cause loss of lives.

He said “as Christmas is approaching, people are traveling a lot, which calls for caution and carefulness on the side of both motorists and passengers”.(NAN)


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