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Sarkin Bai Kano left behind legacy of integrity, service to humanity – Buhari


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President Muhammadu Buhari has urged family members of late Sarkin Bai of Kano, Alhaji Mukhtar Adnan, to uphold the legacy of integrity and service to humanity he left behind.

Malam Garba Shehu, the president’s media aide, in a statement, said Buhari stated this through a delegation of three ministers he sent to Dambatta, Kano State, to condole with the family, the government and people of the state, on Friday.

According to President Buhari, the late Sarkin Bai had paid his dues to the nation, and that the contributions he made will forever be remembered.

The president played up the positive contributions to national development by the late Sarkin Bai of Kano, in the condolence message, read on his behalf by the Minister of Defence, retired Maj.-Gen. Bashir Magashi.

“I received with sadness, the news of the death of Sarkin Bai Kano, Alhaji Mukhtar Adnan.

“He was one of the longest serving kingmakers in the history of the Kano Emirate. His demise represents the fall of a colossus with a remarkable record of service.

“Sarkin Bai Kano was an immense historical figure who loomed large in our political and cultural affairs.

“His record of serving the Kano Emirate for 63 years and as a Chief Whip in the First Republic Parliament, qualifies him to be one of our greatest historical players and actors in the evolution of Nigeria.

“He participated not only in the selection of five Emirs in the Kano Emirate, but will also be remembered for his contributions in the development of our democracy.

“I’m proud to say without any fear of contradictions that Mukhtar Adnan belonged to the golden age of our democracy when the main motivation for politicians was selfless public service rather than the desire to amass wealth.

“One of Wam Bai’s remarkable virtues was his tested and untainted integrity.

“May Allah forgive his sins and reward him with Aljannat.”

Responding on behalf of the family, a one-time Minister of Finance, Dr. Mansur Mukhtar, said they were delighted and honoured to receive the delegation and thanked the president for the kind words and due recognition to their father.

He gave assurances that the values of the late Sarkin Bai would continue as a family tradition.

The delegation included the Ministers of Water Resources, Sulaiman Adamu, and that of Finance, Hajiya Zainab Ahmed, as well as the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Malam Garba Shehu. (NAN)


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