HomeLocal NewsADP Guber promises free education in Jigawa

ADP Guber promises free education in Jigawa


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The Jigawa State Action Democratic Party (ADP) Gubernatorial Candidate, Alh. Ibrahim Yusuf (Sabo) has promised free primary and secondary school education for the state when he takes over the state’s mantle of leadership.

He said education which is the bedrock of every developed society must be treated as “utmost priority” for any state to witness rapid development.

According to him, his government, if elected, will bridge the educational gap between the children of the common person and those considered rich in the society, by ensuring every child in Jigawa obtains the basic foundation of education from primary to secondary.

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Sabo, in an interview with newsmen about some of his immediate plans for the state, decried the present condition of the educational sector in the country attributing the setbacks to misplacement of priorities by those in power.

Alh. Ibrahim opined that despite the change in population, Nigeria possesses enough resources to offer qualitative free education to its citizens at least to the secondary school level.

“It is true that we have increased in population, but that is not an excuse to neglect the educational sector.

We still have what it takes to give our people free and standard education like it was done in the sixties.

If we want to see development in Jigawa and Nigeria at large, we must revisit and improve on old days’ methods of free education and catering for our youths in school.

Through this method we can engage them in productive thinking rather than leaving them at the mercy of bad elements lurking around to introduce them to social vices”, he added.

The ADP Gubernatorial candidate who expressed hope in the 2023 general elections charged the people of the state to rally around his party so that the dream of making Jigawa a new state worthy of emulation would be achieved.


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