HomeLocal News2,000 get free eye treatment in Benue

2,000 get free eye treatment in Benue


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The Executive Chairman, Benue Internal Revenue Service (BIRS), Mrs Mimi Adzape-Orubibi, has sponsored the treatment of 2000 patients suffering from various cases of eye challenges to mark her birthday celebration.

This was contained in a statement on Monday signed by her Media Assistant, Mr Jacob Suswam and made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) in Makurdi.

According to the statement, Patricia Nyion Adzape Foundation, owned by the revenue boss, carried out the medical outreach in Turan and Ikyurav-ya all of Kwande Local Government Area of Benu.

The statement further stated that more than 2,000 persons benefited from free eye treatment,100 persons benefited from free treatment of herniorrhaphy, hydroceletomy, and lipectomy during the 2 Days outreach.

According to the statement, the two days medical outreach, was put together by some donors who benefited from educational support from Late Patricia Nyion Adzape, Mother of Mrs Orubibi, while she was alive.

The outreach commenced on Nov. 18 at Jato-Aka for the Turan people and on 19 for Ikyurav-ya people.

Other eye cases in the two areas which were complicated were recommended for surgery by the team of medical experts, which Mrs Orubibi promised to ensure surgeries were made.

Similarly, more than 100 cases of herniorrhaphy, hydroceletomy and lipectomy, observed to be common among the people, were handled and surgeries carried out.

The donors, in a message to Mrs Adzape-Orubibi, acknowledged the huge sacrifices made by late Patricia Nyion Adzape, to ensure that they acquired sound education and pledged to keep her legacies alive by supporting others as well.

They commended Mrs. Orubibi for taking after the footsteps of her late mother by always assisting the needy and downtrodden and putting together the foundation in honour of her mother.

Speaking at the commencement of the medical outreach in Jato-Aka,  Orubibi said she accepted for the outreach to be held on her birthday for this year, to assist her people overcome some of their medical challenges, instead of celebrating with merriment in the city.

She commended the sponsors of the outreach for honouring her in such a great manner, and appreciated the team of medical experts, led by Dr. Tongriang Ben-Ameh, for offering free services for the people.

The chairman further added that the medical outreach had no political sentiment but just a gesture emulated from her late mother, whose passion was assisting the less privileged around her, and in whose name the foundation was registered to keep her legacies alive.

She emphasised that the outreach was for everybody to benefit, devoid of any party affiliations.

Also speaking, separately, some beneficiaries of the outreach, Mr. Linus Iorchir, Mrs. Nguumbur Iorpasa Chia, Hilary Geri, among others, appreciated Mrs. Orubibi for the kind gesture and prayed God to continue to bless and uplift her to do more for her community.

The beneficiaries also called on other people to emulate such acts of philanthropy, to ease the many sufferings of the people in rural communities.

At the Primary Health Centre in Jato-Aka, where the surgeries were carried out, Mrs. Orubibi promised to donate maternity deliveries to the hospital.



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