HomeLocal NewsHow to change WhatsApp font color on status, chats

How to change WhatsApp font color on status, chats


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WhatsApp has continued to generate users massively across the globe. And as it continues to evolve, new features and ways to add to your messages are introduced.

Users are used to writing text boldly, or in italic or even sending GIFs or stickers to their friends.

Now, writing messages in a different font colour is still not natively possible.

Well, it is possible. It can be done, though, through third-party applications.

In this article, we will explain exactly how to change the font colour.

The app that you need to be able to change the font colour on WhatsApp?

Several applications exist that you can download to be able to change the font colour on WhatsApp.

Some of them are; ‘Color Texting Messenger’, ‘Cool Fonts For WhatsApp And Text’ or ‘WhatsBlue Text’.

This mobile software is usually free, but most times come with advertisements.

In the ‘WhatsBlue Text’ app, for example, there is a ‘Fancy Text’ option that allows you to type a message, and it’ll then be shown in various formats, including in blue text.

Then, you click on the style or colour you want, and the app presents you with different options for using this text, with one of them titled ‘WhatsApp’. By clicking here, you can then send this message to a contact in the messaging app.

How can you change your WhatsApp status colour?

When it comes to changing the colour of the text of your WhatsApp status, the process is almost identical. On a third-party app like ‘WhatsBlue Text’, you would follow the same steps as above.

But, when you then click the ‘WhatsApp’ option, instead of selecting a contact to send the message to, you would click ‘My Status’.

You can then change the background colour of your WhatsApp status, which is an option that exists natively in the app, and then, once you’re happy with how it looks, you would just hit the ‘Send’ button.

Another way to change the text colour on WhatsApp exists?

Of course, Yes! One other means can be used to change the font color. With this trick, you pick WhatsApp flag emojis for countries beginning with the letters you want, before hitting backspace to leave just the letter in blue. The below video shows you how to do this.

This method, though, takes far longer and that’s why most people looking to change the text color on WhatsApp will opt for a third party app.


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